Le anime volanti is an art performance exclusively created for Rovigoracconta, a cultural art and musical festival in the city of Rovigo - the place where I am born in the Veneto region of Northeast Italy.
The name in Italian literally means “flying souls”.
Before the art performance I painted 450 sheets of paper in A5 size, using the signature orange of the festival, and merging the palette with a deep blue, leaving only a white space in the middle.
In order to obtain an immersive experience inside a beautiful Venetian room of Palazzo Nagliati - a historic place in the city center - we hung the colored sheets from the ceiling, from different heights and placements.
The soft wind coming from the windows and even the most imperceptible human movement created a suspended and floating effect.
During two days and four sessions the art performance took place, the concept was to host a maximum of two people for a couple of minutes.
We asked to live the present moment and to not take photos and videos.
Something quite challenging in the digital and social era we are living.
I was waiting every person on the opposite side of the room, asking each to walk between the anime volanti - look around - and to pick one and bring it to me. Then I personally asked everyone to answer the question: HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW?
Based on the answer I chose a word, that I wrote in the middle of the sheet in black Japanese ink.
The person could then leave the room and take their own ANIMA VOLANTE at home.
Every human who crossed that room found a different scenario every time, because the person before was taking a little part of the installation. A changing room, a continuous evolution of space. We were only living in the NOW.
At the end of the two days of performance the room was empty and only the very high sheets had been left in the ceiling.
To remind us to embrace the present moment and to slow down to welcome the beauty that surrounds us every day.
Thank you again from my heart to yours
Special thanks to the organization of Rovigoracconta and to all the volunteers.
To @amiciaccademiarovigo for the space.
Video by @andreaverzola89